In The Great Stories

In the great stories, deep caverns were the sort of places where heroes descended to face their darkest fears, and snatch a prize that saves the kingdom. 

Lucky for us this is neither a story, nor great – we face no danger here.

This mix of pics, are from three separate locations beneath England. They are Blue John Cave, Speedwell Cavern, and Peak Cavern. That’s about as much as I can tell you, though much more is available on the internet.

 I don’t know which entrance to the underworld is guarded by the hunter, but he cut too good looking a figure not to include.

At this point, as I sign off, I will take the opportunity to wish every reader a very happy Christmas, and a truly brilliant new year. 

 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1: 5.

Photography ©Amanda Moloney.

To All The Souls

Greetings readers. When I was a boy, playing with my friends in fields full of wild flowers, we knew why their petalled faces would follow the sun. In my imagination back then, flowers were like souls in heaven… always standing in perfect beauty, and bathed forever in glorious light.

This field of sunflowers from last August evokes those memories – and I feel that All Souls Day is the best day to share it. With loving wishes and gratitude to those who have gone before us, may we follow them with grace, knowing one day we will be reunited.

Until next time…

Photography ©Amanda Moloney.

Wise Enough

Greetings readers. We live on the south of the hill pictured. Our side escaped the recent forest fires, but the north side was greatly damaged. All thanks to barbecue wielding fools.  

Fire services from many counties lent their services, and were forced to remain for days. Many neighbours were evacuated too, but fortunately, all their homes were saved. 

Throughout the emergency, squadrons of swallows swooped in from all directions, and feasted on the clouds of insects fleeing the smoke. Only this solitary blue butterfly was wise enough to wait it out in our garden.

While all this was going on, our son, along with hundreds of fellow travellers, was stranded abroad due to flight cancellations, which took days to fix. 

I am happy to report that all’s well now. 

Thank you readers, and followers, for your ongoing friendship. I sincerely hope the times aren’t troubling you too far beyond the evils of the hour. Also, we have many more pics to share, so if heaven permits, I will be back soon.

Peace from Amras. 

This is what our Scriptures come to teach: in everything, in every circumstance, do to others as you would have them do to you.


Screenshot taken from local news. 

From Beginning to End

Greetings. Here’s a fresh post, for a new year. I’ve chosen one photo from each month of 2019. The atmospheric featured image, like the forest, was taken in January. October’s pic captures an upside down rainbow – a common phenomenon of late. December’s mysterious pic is of the moon, shining through the leaves of a close-by palm tree.

With that, I shall leave you in peace. May your life be blessed.

When winter beleaguers my troublesome bones, too often exhaustion will outweigh my pen.

“I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways.”

― Rumi


Photography ©Francis Moloney.

Be Prepared


Here we are with part two, gazing once again at sleek and shiny machines. Mercedes Benz World is located in Surrey, England. Here you can learn how cars work, take advanced driving courses, or just have a go in a fast car. You can even step inside a grounded Concorde and look around.

Because I am housebound, Amanda holds the keys to the family car. That’s her in the red jacket. I haven’t been able to drive since I became disabled, and I miss it a lot. During the work and school runs, every red light was an opportunity for a silent prayer. Every long traffic jam, a chance to catch up on some reading. Phone calls were private, and I always got to choose the music that best suited my mood – bonus.

When I was a boy scout, a very long time ago, I was told a story about a boy who took the trouble to ask himself how he might respond if he should witness an accident. It happened that one day, when he was riding in a bus, it crashed, and although he wasn’t hurt, many elderly passengers were. It was he who ran immediately to the nearest telephone, and called 999. He then administered first aid to the injured passengers – using shirts for bandages, and neckties for slings, etc. He worked until the emergency services arrived. Tributes aside, I feel that this boy’s greatest reward was in the satisfaction of knowing that he had successfully marshalled an effective, and well prepared response to the emergency.

In my job, I worked with injured and disabled people every day. I met many good folk whose active lives had come to an abrupt end. And, as I mentioned some time back, I grew up with a severely disabled brother, (who is coming to see me later today to celebrate my 66th). Therefore, and not that I don’t complain aplenty, I do endeavour to face my own trials perhaps more stoically than I otherwise might have.

Ok, I hope you enjoyed our two parter, and that you are also enjoying things in general. The world may be a sad place today, but nothing lasts forever. ‘For sudden the worst turns the best to the brave’ – and universal balance will return. We know this because circumstances have called us to stand firmly in the light of humanity’s highest values. The darker the shadow, the brighter the light. Those who know that heaven is real, can love their way across the battlefield, and then we, as one family together will light up the skies of dawn.

I think I’ve written enough for now. Thank you to all who read, follow, and comment. I hope to return soon. Until then, peace from Amras.

Do not place treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moths and corrosion disfigure and where thieves break in and steal. But place treasures for yourselves in Heaven, where neither moths nor corrosion disfigure and where thieves neither break in nor steal. For where your treasure is, there is your heart also.

Matthew 6 – 19


Photography ©Amanda Moloney.