The Ancestral Structure

The Ancestral Structure

A long time ago, before we arrived,  the stage was all set for matter alive.

Each one, a rung, on the spiralling stair, we all belong to each other’s care.



Even though the year feels barely begun, I am watching chestnut leaves turning to gold, and drop to Earth. Despite all the commotion in the world, the fallen leaves always remind me of corn flakes.

On those days when the sun still shines warm and brightly, I sit in my comfortable wheelchair, under the shade of the green magnolia tree. And, I sometimes marvel at the contrast between now, and what life on Earth was like, just ten years ago. I prefer things the way they are now, (though not my health, obviously), because while knowledge may not be bliss, ignorance had simply disempowered us all.

It is so very sad to observe our brothers and sisters who are choosing to divide, and to conquer. More so, when any child can understand that we have but one source, origin, and sustenance. Our shared lineage is sacred, and we are each as a tiny leaf on a mighty and ancient tree. This is the ancestral structure, and the planet Earth is the holy foundation on which it rests.

While sat under the tree, I visualised the ground beneath my wheels being as clear as glass, and allowing me to perceive the greatness that reaches out to us from the heart of below. And it looked to me as if the great mother’s arms are outstretched to us, longing that we should respond, in love.

When the temperature dropped, as it often does on even the brightest of English days, Luke fired up our wood burner, enabling me to stay outside for just a little while longer.  In the burner I spotted a spider, trapped on a piece of chopped wood, surrounded by flames, and I imagine that I felt her despair.  I reached into the flames and called her. She ran straight onto my hand, and took refuge, to calm her nerves, in a fold of my coat. Or so it seemed. When you realise that all life is one, it’s obvious that the feelings of even the smallest creatures are our feelings too. Life is a sharing experience. I implore heaven, to rescue those human souls who are surrounded by the fires of man’s creation.

It has been many hours since I wrote the first paragraph, and the moon is now practically overhead. I don’t know about you, but for the last few days, to me, the sun has appeared larger, and the moon brighter than ever before. Fascinating.

With those words I must bow out, and send my sincerest thank you to all followers, and likers; because together, I’m sure that we are delivering positive influences, effectively, into the living ethers. Namaste from Mr A.



I thought I saw Jesus

on a tram.

I said “Are you Jesus?”

He replied “Yes I am”.

~ Spike Milligan.

Artwork ©Francis Moloney.

Author: amras888

Francis Moloney @Amras888 Composer, instrumentalist and Logic 8 software user. Bereavement Counselor retired. A Philosopher now disabled, bedbound but happy. Love my wife, son, and dog.

10 thoughts on “The Ancestral Structure”

  1. It’s always a blessing to read your post. I can feel your sincerity in every line. My favorite one this time: “Our shared lineage is sacred, and we are each as tiny leaf on a mighty and ancient tree.” For the wisdom, the inspiration–and for everything–thank you, Francis!


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