The Winners Take All









We study so hard, reading, practicing, meditating, ever more and more; to generate ever more inspiration for ourselves.

In consequence of this, if we are ethical and discerning individuals, who follow our hearts, we will encode our bodies with the genetic and subtle information intended to ensure that in the future, we are *born knowing, and owning all that material.

This releases the old stresses from our minds, and we are now set free to explore ever greater heights of awareness, and unity.

Just as our ancestors strove for our sakes, so we strive to develop the light of learning within ourselves, on the behalf those waiting to be born. It is for our honour.

As surely as that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, the consequences for souls who “turn a blind eye” to other’s suffering are certain to be unhappiness in equal measure. It’s blindingly obvious.

A future blessed by innocence, or marred by guilt are the choices we face; and, either way, the winners take all.

Kindness is the key to the door of the branch of knowledge that is useful – and harmless is the fruit that life craves most.


*We are born with every breath.


Until next time, with good wishes from Amras – who is functioning currently at acceptable parameters; Namaste.



“A hundred times every day I remind myself that

my inner and outer life depend upon the labours of other men, living and dead,

and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure

as I have received and am still receiving.”

~ Albert Einstein.

The images were taken at Chichester Cathedral ~ Photography ©Luke Moloney.

Author: amras888

Francis Moloney @Amras888 Composer, instrumentalist and Logic 8 software user. Bereavement Counselor retired. A Philosopher now disabled, bedbound but happy. Love my wife, son, and dog.

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